Pterodactyl Market has been acquired by sourceXchange, a market part-owned by ThatProgrammer.
The creation of new resources and the updating of existing ones is now disabled. You can transfer your licenses here!

Anti-Piracy | Documentation

Welcome to the Anti-Piracy Documentation Page!
This system works by changing all placeholders below in the supported files that you upload for your resource.


Buyer Username: ([(pterodactylmarket_user)])
Buyer ID: ([(pterodactylmarket_userid)])
Resource Version: ([(pterodactylmarket_version)])
Resource Name: ([(pterodactylmarket_resource)])
Transaction ID: ([(pterodactylmarket_transactionid)]) | Only Paid Resources

How can I use it?

First of all, you need to make sure you are using .zip or .rar files.
Using the placeholders is easy, just put them in the files of your resource and the system does the work for you!
The system changes all the placeholders in the following file types: .txt, .html, .css, .js, .php, .sh, .tx, .ts, .tsx, .yml, .json, .py


We recommend hiding the placeholders in your resource contents to ensure it won't be easy to remove.


Pterodactyl Market can not promise that all of the placeholders will work at all times. In the case of corruption or a mistake in the system, we are not responsible for the issue.
If you find a bug, please do not hesitate to contact us on our Discord Server so that we can fix it as soon as possible.


If you have suggestions for other file types to support, other placeholders to add or whole new features, please suggest in our Discord Server in #suggestions!